Thursday 27 April 2017

representation of hunger games

  The Hunger Games film is subversive in its representation of women by using a teenage girl as a heroine. This is unusual because it is normal big/muscular white man normally used as the main character  whereas this film focuses on a young, teenage girl who is brave, courageous and a skilled fighter rather than a love interest or a Princess. However, the film is presented as a little bit conventional by the main character  Jennifer Lawrence is presented as slim and pretty which is normal for a male audience to appreciate. in the film the teenage males were represented as threatened and intimidated of the main character whilst the  people was spectating them: this is conventional because  males are conventionally seen as more action driven. In this film normally men saves girls but in this film the main character  that is a girl saves the boys life.
The film represents family in a positive way because the main character katniss volunteers and goes to fight insted of her sister this shows that family are close and cares about each other.
conuetionally, heroes tend to be Caucasian. In terms of race, the three main characters are all white and survive yet the other races die early in the fight.
For ages, the film is unconventional as it shows young people battling it out whilst parents and people when normally teenagers shouldn't be involved in death and also parents normally try and get their son and daughters away from violence. The film is set in a futuristic America with districts.

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