Thursday 2 February 2017

film trailer


Film posters: key conventions
  • Central image
  • Secondary images
  • Title
  • Tagline (like a slogan)
  • Release date
  • Stars
  • Critic reviews
  • Social media hashtags / website details
  • Production blurb
  • Iconography of the film’s genre
  1. List all the key conventions you can find. How do these attract a potential audience?  The central image is the middle third of the poster so the audience can see it  straight away  they also  used a close up to show her facial expression that's she determine to be precise whilst shooting  the arrow also they is fire around the character and that makes it more interesting and connotes there is danger and death because of the arrows. The tag line "the world will be watching " brings attention to the player and put them under  pressure . They used a female as a main character and that subversive which males are normaly the main character. The title is in capital letters to emprises the meaning and showing the title is important because the title "hunger games " has connotations off struggle and poverty. The release date is at the button of the poster so the audience will know when they can watch it .The main character Jennifer Lawrence  is already well known and she has her own audience that will come and support the film to so they don't need stars to get an audience. The film tried to represent as girls as powerful more then men .
  2. List all the film trailer key conventions you can find. How do these attract a potential audience? They have used gods view to show the surroundings also they have used fast pace music to emprises the action. They used a black screen in editing  maybe to connote her confusion and terror But they could have add more action so the views will get the plot better.

  1. In your opinion, do the poster and trailer successfully promote the film you have chosen to investigate? Why? yes because it will make females want to watch it and they used fire to make it more interesting for viewers but also they could have shown more action of the valance to attract more old people.

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